The Nibs Curve
The curve of Cuteness Vs. Volume. Young Nibbles can be proud that I have named this graph after him. He can cover the whole range in the space of a few seconds, but does seem to enjoy spending time in the right hand side.
How about some more beans, Mr Taggart?
It’s 4.20am and young Nibbles is thrashing around and crying in the corner of our bedroom, suffering from some nasty wind. When you are only 18 inches long, a bubble of gas going through your digestive tract is a big deal and it’s understandable that he gets upset. I’m comforting him, giving him little pats […]
Just a quick post to make up for the lack of blathering recently. I’d like to say that the reason for this is that I’ve been occupied with our latest wibbler, James, but that doesn’t really wash because I’ve had time to not only sort out his website with the novelty “” domain, but also […]
Seven things no-one tells you about your first kid
You might be lacking sleep and money, but one thing you won’t be short of is advice. This will come from friends, family, cow-orkers or just people who come up to you in shops. It usually goes along the lines of “don’t worry – it gets easier. After 20 years, ha ha”. Whether you merely […]